Saturday, May 8, 2021

Chang'e changed

Today I found a body donor for my Chang'e doll! It's a new yoga Made-to-Move Barbie. The curvy redhead in pinkish tie dye clothes, whose model number appears to be GXF07.

She's a perfect fucking skin match, a slightly more tan color than Barbie's regular Neutra color. I did a head swap, so now my Chang'e has a lovely curvy figure and no more periwinkle legs. Now she can also wear Barbie Curvy shoes, whereas before she could only wear the unique shoes bigger than Curvy but smaller than the WWE Superstar shoes. Chang'e is slighter shorter now, but not by much, and the loose-fitting Chinese dress still fits her curvy figure.

As for the redhead, I'm provisionally naming her Carmen Sandiego, after the Netflix reboot of that character, due to her tan, easily Latina skin tone. What awesome luck!

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