Monday, May 24, 2021

Kate Warne's Obituary

I'm trying to find a copy of the 2nd Kate Warne spy novel "The Great Show" by Peg A. Lamphier, but instead I found this article from 2019 on Kate. This Washington Post "Retropolis" article covers the same ground of her Pinkerton history, but the author quotes from reports that Kate wrote herself under her alias Mrs. Barley. Where are these reports? I thought everything burned in the Chicago fire? But wow, she cites a newspaper article with Kate Warne's obituary from March 19, 1868!

By the way, as I find that some books I want are not available as ebooks, I have to buy physical copies, so I need a physical bookmark to keep my place in them. So when I tried to buy bookmarks, I don't see the abundance of choices that I used to see 20 years ago. Now everything is "magnetic bookmarks" I guess. When did that happen? Why would you need a bookmark to be magnetic? Do they go on your fridge when you're not using them?

Meanwhile I've been trying some new recipes for Chinese stir fry and I came upon a new meat alternative--taro root. Now normally, taro is used like potatoes in recipes, but I found it sold as vegetarian chunks at my Asian grocery store. When I cooked it in place of chicken, it actually cooked well. It was chewy yet more dense than tofu, and it absorbed the flavors from the sauce. So this seems like a good natural product, not like these newly engineered "impossible" meat alternatives that are expensive. I can see myself using taro more regularly to have more meatless days. I'm not sure I can go totally vegetarian yet, but I can try to be more omnivore than carnivore.

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