Saturday, May 15, 2021

What will it take?

My God, Israel's airstrike destroyed the AP press building. They just brazenly did it. And I ask myself once again, what will it take for the US to punish Israel? What naked atrocity or war crime will finally make us stop funding and apologizing for Israel's apartheid? What will be the undeniable eye-opener, like George Floyd's death was for Black Lives Matter?

This week, as the violence kept escalating, I kept hoping that somehow Biden would respond like a radical progressive, like all his bold plans for infrastructure, healthcare, etc. But no, it's just back to America's status quo, talking about Israel's "right to defend itself." In this area at least he's not pushing for transformation. I mean, he hasn't even reversed Trump's dick move of moving the embassy to Jerusalem. I'm so disappointed.

Plus this was the end of Ramadan. Contrast how the Glaswegians protested an Immigration Enforcement raid and got two men freed, to how Israel chose to evict Palestinians from their homes for the end of Ramadan, knowing that this injustice would provoke retaliation, so they could bomb Gaza again and claim "oh, we're only protecting our safety." And still it goes on, with no end in sight. It feels like Israel is fucking invincible and will never be stopped. That the US will back them until doomsday, and I can't fucking withhold my tax dollars to stop funding this shit. I don't know any more. I just don't know what to say.

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