Friday, November 17, 2017

Victim Blaming

A pipeline in South Dakota leaked 210 gallons of oil, and the Trump admin lifted the ban on importing elephant trophies from big game hunting.

Meanwhile, Al Franken was accused of harassment and groping on a USO tour. I never felt particularly close to him, though others obviously admired him as a senator, and I can understand being heartbroken about it like I still am over George Takei. I can even understand the impulse to not want him to resign, to keep crucial Democrat votes in the Senate. What I cannot understand, though, were the disappointing number of liberals on Daily Kos and other forums arguing technicalities over whether Franken actually touched her in the photo, or was just jokingly miming a grope. That doesn't fucking matter! What matters is that she was asleep, so she was not "in" on his tasteless joke. She could not consent or voice any opinion on whether she thought the crude humor was funny, no big deal, etc. It's creepy and gross, and I'm glad Franken acknowledges that now, though he still insists that the rehearsal kiss was different when he remembered it. At least he apologized and will cooperate with an ethics investigation.

What's worse is the number of Democrats insisting that it's all lies, a right-wing conspiracy, why didn't she come forward sooner, why did she continue on the USO tour with him, like her commitment to the troops didn't matter? Some even talking about how "feminists" are conducting a "witch hunt". Fuck you! I thought we all learned with the Weinstein scandal that it doesn't matter if the man's politics are left-leaning; we have to call out scumbags on our side too, especially when the other side won't. Sexual harassment/assault is always wrong even if the victim isn't somebody we like. Saying "it's just a joke! It wasn't that bad!" gives cover to all the fratboy abusers who tell victims "I was only kidding. Get a sense of humor" to excuse their offensive behavior. Fuck you people in denial.

If I can withstand George Takei breaking my heart, then why can't you stop defending Franken? Why can't you listen to Sarah Silverman's thoughts about her friend Louis C.K., asking "Can you love someone who did bad things?" Grow up and deal with it. Acknowledge that someone you like and respect might not be who you think they are. Do your best to get them to change, to protect other people, but don't deny the ugly truth.

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