Thursday, May 24, 2018


So Bateman has apologized, and so has Tony Hale. David Cross did so in private, and says his wife made him get off twitter because she knew what the blowback would be. Good. I can rest a little easier. The world's shitty enough without worrying about this incident too; I mean, it even made the news at Wonkette. Tambor hasn't said anything yet, but maybe he's afraid of putting his foot in his mouth, like his terrible comments about the "politicized atmosphere" at Transparent. Could he be learning, even at his age?

(Lots of people do wish these grown adults knew better, but Sherlock Holmes said once, "Education never ends," so I can tolerate these guys still having to learn the consequences of their behavior. Hopefully they can change for the better.)

I mean, the verbally abusive incident was between Tambor and Walter, so if it's not your business, why would you even want to comment on it? Learn to SHUT UP, Bateman, when it's not about you. Let them answer the reporter, not you. Or if you must speak, talk like Alia did about what's not acceptable anymore.

I just want you to go back to being cute and flirty with Will Arnett, so I can be happy about season 5 again. Just five more days.

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