Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Uggh, you guys

The Arrested Development turmoil has boiled over with a new article featuring most of the cast. Jessica Walters talks about some terrible incident from months ago where Jeffrey Tambor yelled at her horribly, but he has since apologized, and she says she's "over it". But how over it can she be, when's she's brought to tears talking about it, says it's the worst thing that ever happened to her in 60 years of acting, and she keeps phrasing it as "I have to let it go"? You have to, Jessica? Why? For the good of the cast, for the united front Mitch Hurwitz wants about Tambor's allegations, for fear that if you complain too much you're the one who will be cut from the show instead of Tambor?

The men, and especially Jason Bateman, keep trying to belittle the incident and mansplain to her about how she should feel. "This happens all the time", "this is normal". Well maybe it shouldn't fucking be normal? Fucking Hollywood lets people get away with this too much, with some bullshit about how artistic geniuses have the right to be temperamental nightmares, instead of being disciplined by HR like they would in any other industry. Even when a company does the right thing, like Fox firing that Lethal Weapon star and casting someone else to save the show, we get all sorts of people complaining that "he apologized, give him another chance." There has to be a point where you draw the line and don't accept behavior anymore, EVEN IF it's not sexual harassment or physical assault.

My God, it sounds so bad just reading the transcript of the interview (way down in the bottom of this thread), that I'm too chicken to listen to any audio and hear her crying. Hear Alia try to speak up for her with common sense about what's not acceptable, only for the male cast to be jerks showing off their masculine privilege. Fuck them. I'm done trying to give Bateman the benefit of the doubt about supporting Tambor. Why are you so fucking defensive on his behalf? Did he ask you to? Do you get that he admitted he was wrong and apologized to Jessica? Just because she's decided to let it go and give him another chance does not give you the right to tell her that she's imagining how bad it was in the first place.

Fucking bastards. I guess this is why that douchebag Scott Baio got to guest star repeatedly in the show, because much of the cast are douchebags themselves willing to overlook way too much. Goddammit, the season 5 Gob/Tony Wonder storyline better be worth all this shit, or else maybe I'll just fast forward the parts that remind me what jerks they are in real life. If it's really bad I might just have to quit the season partway through and go back to writing alternate universe fanfic to make it better.

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